belgian whispers

Bilingual blog from crazy Belgian who thought that emigrating to the US with American hubby was a good idea. 6 years and 1 son later, here are the results

Sunday, April 16, 2006

School Pictures

We just got Kevin's school pictures back. Remember the days when we were little and had those done? The more things change, the more they stay the same....

When I was younger, I never cared much for our school pictures. We always looked like uncomfortable teenagers, awkwardly smiling at the lens, never quite living up to our inner beauty and smartness...of course our parents always insisted on buying the offensive shots, so we'd end up stuck with them for eternity....

Of course, as a parent now, I think my son's schoolpictures are absolutely adorable. Not sure if I'm just totally biased, or if my son is just much more photogenic than I ever was, but I couldn't resist buying the overpriced shots either.... Just one thing, even though he's just 2, I think he looks like 4 in the pictures...


At 8:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, I know what you mean. I always hated having to sit down for those individual pictures, everyone in line staring at you.

You are right though, your boy is absolutely adorable !

At 6:23 AM, Blogger kastelke said...

Hoe schattig! Je zoon is echt wel fotogeniek, lijkt mij.
Als jong kind denk ik dat je het nog wel leuk vindt, die foto's, maar als tiener... da's inderdaad iets gans anders! En dan die vre-se-lijke achtergrondkleuren! Ongeacht welke kleur jij aan had, 't was bij iedereen dezelfde achtergrond. Die waterval bij je zoon, da's veel leuker.


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