A Solution
I've always said that it's tough trying to do any sports since Kevin was born....and it's true. It is a lot harder to get away, schedule time, make sure someone else is available to watch Kevin...but the truth is that it's a convenient excuse too.
I don't mind doing sports, in fact, I've always been a pretty athletic person, favoring tennis, skiing, gymnastices (the good old days), working out and yoga. And I always feel reenergized, reinvigorated after doing sports. But truth be told, I do tend to procrastinate and more so since our little guy's been around.
My husband and I were bemoaning our joint low-active sports state and I came up with the brilliant idea of tyring to play tennis together and using Kevin as a ball boy. Up till now, he'd been to young, but now's he coordinated enough. We gave it a try this afternoon at the tenniscourts in our neighborhood and Kevin had a blast. He didn't so much retrieve the balls as searched for remnant pine needles on the side of the court to throw in the trash bin, but hey, he didn't get in the way (much) and we were able to play a nice set.
I guess that I no excuse anymore now. Will be forced to get back into shape yet.
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