belgian whispers

Bilingual blog from crazy Belgian who thought that emigrating to the US with American hubby was a good idea. 6 years and 1 son later, here are the results

Saturday, January 14, 2006

Bug Season

't is the season....for children's bugs. We were almost to the 2 month mark of Kevin not being sick, but alas, 't was not to be. He just succumbed to pinkeye and a general cold/flu like bug.

I was looking forward to a nice, easy weekend with some long family walks and dinners. Instead, I've been puked on twice, and have spend most of the time rocking a whiny, feverish little bundle...I don't mind it, I just wish there was more I could do. Other than giving him some Tylenol for the fever and holding him near, there's litte I can do. I hope he gets better soon. It just tugs at my heart to see him so miserable.


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