belgian whispers

Bilingual blog from crazy Belgian who thought that emigrating to the US with American hubby was a good idea. 6 years and 1 son later, here are the results

Tuesday, September 13, 2005


finally surfaced from stubborn cold/flu bug that had whole family down for a week. annoying little bug...and totally unfair. weather was absolutely gorgeous last weekend and we were barely able to enjoy it.

Have lot's of cathing up to do with emails, laundry, ironing, reading, etc. ...trying to catch up on reading the 'Kite Runner' for bookclub by listening to the book CD in the car while driving to work the last 2 days. not sure it's the best way. I'm only on CD 2 and there are about 8 I believe. Have to finish by Sunday. Still have no time in the evening to read, so just crossing my fingers for some bad commuter traffic (oh irony).


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